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I am Legend (2007)

This week we went a bit more popular, Will Smith's "I am Legend". The movie is already 10 years old, but still is a great movie overall. I remembered when I first watched it was 10 years ago, it has just came out a couple of days ago. I was only 11 years old and I thought the "zombies" were super real and everything was just great. Also the lion I thought was real. All this are thoughts of younger people watching movies with VFX. As kids we don't pay much attention to every single detail and if the lion looks real and let's not talk of zombies. If a kid sees a zombie he or she will just scream and will be super afraid. But as we grow up, we now see each detail and if something does not look real, we notice it right away. I think this was the 2nd time I watched the movie and I can tell you the zombies didn't look real and you could easily tell they are not real and even the lion, it looked as if it was from a low budget movie but the budget was $150 million, but I would say they focus more the vfx in the city and the destruction of some bridges to make it look more realistic. All the city with the plants growing and all the cars not moving, they looked very real. I would say a remake right now would be a huge success because the details would even better and instead of having animals, they could focus a bit more in the zombies, to make it look more realistic. The movie ending was very controversial, in weather keeping the original ending or making the official ending. Supposedly, the ending it has at first, was the "alternate ending" and was the one that is on the novel which this film is based on. But for dramatic purposes, I think they recreated the ending to target more people and make it "better".

I would give this movie an 8.5. It was a great movie but the cgi zombies and animals gave it away and right away you could tell there weren't real so that took out all the scary part and you could not visualize an actual zombie. But the plants and the bridge destruction was pretty good and everything else was great, the casting, the location and even the ending, was sad but great.

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