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VFX Shot Idea - Inspired by SCVA


The Sculpture gave me an idea of a VFX shot about an experiment that went wrong and everyone is getting contagious by the toxic gas that has been mixed in the sewer line and everyone that consumes or use the water gets turn into rock with in 5 weeks. I was thinking making the shot similar to “District 9”, directed by Neill Blomkamp, in the case that when Wikus got infected by the aliens, he transformed into an alien slowly and part by part, first his arm then his chest and then he became an alien. I was thinking of using this transformation change with the toxic gas and people will first star feeling their hands very dry and hard and slowly the tips of their fingers will become solid as a rock and then everything will go on until the human becomes a solid rock. It will be interesting to see humans becoming rock, for example adding rock texture to people and showing how they can become rock in hours. The “Portrait Head of Marcellus” inspire me into this idea, because the head shows a lot of detail and it is almost as if an actual head has been turn into stone. The shot may also include buildings, plants and animals turning into stone, it would be great to see how the nature interacts with the toxic, for example how a plant would turn into stone or even a tree. Eventually, everything is going to start turning into stone. For example, I can see a highway full with cars trying to get away and halfway through you can see the road and cars turning into stone, everyone running and people going crazy, cities getting destructed. The water lines powering off and you could see humans in a running position turned into stones, because they couldn’t run fast enough to escape the toxic gas. It will also be fun seeing birds flying and have a wing turn into stone and by the weight of the stone, the bird will come down. I am also planning that the weight of the planet is going to increase, due to whole cities and cars turning into stone and somehow all that weight is going to unstable the earth and it’s going to get far from the sun and that’s is when the cold starts hitting and countries like Panama will suffer from heavy snowstorms and frozen oceans.

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